Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Word of Wisdom from Ardith (Raatz) Cruit

As the last of the original 6 I feel it is great that we continue the reunions, it means that the family continues on and they know each other. It means a lot of work and I'm not good at blogs, but I have a lot of love ,still enjoy visits and of course a glass of wine.

As growing up I really think of Mom and Dad having two families, Edie and Marie and then 8 years later I came and then Shirley, Jim and Jeantte. When I wanted advice I went to my two big sisters, and probably Shirley did too. We both lived with Edie and then later years Marie and I were so close she advised me on many things. I guess I thought it was easier to talk with a big sister than a Mom. This is not saying I didn't love Mom and Dad, they were always there for me.

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